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Monday, November 25, 2013

Family Craft Time on a Budget

Whether you are a parent, older sibling, babysitter, or daycare owner, you have probably noticed that kids are expensive....adorable, fun, and adventurous...but expensive. We all want to have good family fun and hands-on craft and learning time with our kiddos, but sometimes crafts and activities are spendy to invest in.

I have found a few ideas for educational fun on a budget for families with small children. Check them out!

Buying a set of finger paints costs about $8.
You can save by using these 4 ingredients that you already have in your kitchen.
You can use those finger paints and a few corks to make artwork like this.
Soup cans + glue + sticks = beautiful candle holders
Soup cans, a little paint, and a foam ball makes a fun bowling set for kids.

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